Semana internacional de la bicicleta del IDRD (International Week of the Bicycle IDRD) 2012

It began as a research project on the designer's own aesthetic that led to an alternative for mobility. Playing with the curves, shapes, mixing materials to return to a classic and old style, Kalveta has a synthetic leather briefcase that can be used as a basket. This bicycle is part of “Bicicírculo Urbano” a collective made up of 10 designers, who seek to resignify the concept of urban cycling. Kalveta together with the bicycles of the collective participated in different exhibitions such as La semana internacional de las bicicleta del IDRD (International Week of the Bicycle IDRD) 2012, Bikefriedly of Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá (2013) and also was in the edition # 84 of the magazine Proyecto Diseño, one of the most important design magazines in Colombia.